
About Legal Service

Some governments within the United States have historically taxed minorities and women who’ve resided in their geographic environments while not permitting the same people the opportunity to contract with those same governmental entities on an equal footing as the race or gender having held political power.  These governments have discriminated against those people on the basis of race, creed, and gender. Having now recognized their past history, they seek to level the playing field with the understanding that those historically disadvantaged people will require a different set of evolutionary understandings because of that government’s past treatment of them.  These governmental institutions issue certificates to those businesses who wish to contract with them following that business having applied for such, and that governmental entity subjecting the same to an exceptionally stringent review.  This firm examines the prospective business first while aiding in the preparation of the MWBE and DBE application, so as to place the applicant seeking certification as a “minority or Women Disadvantaged Business” (a classification utilized by states and municipalities), or
“Disadvantaged Business Enterprise” (used by the federal government) in the strongest position possible to attain the certification. With the attainment of such a certification a business certified can contract either directly with the government or as a subcontractor to a business contracting with the governmental entity with a more favorable status than they would without it.


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